Corporate & Commercial: Empowering with ZKTeco Solutions

Discover ZKTeco's security solutions for the corporate & commercial sectors, featuring advanced biometrics and access control. Prioritizing safety and efficiency, see how ZKTeco ensures businesses excel securely.


In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the challenges faced by businesses in terms of security, access control, and operational efficiency are immense. The increasing threats to sensitive business data, assets, and the need for streamlined operations have made it imperative for businesses to adopt advanced security solutions. Enter the realm of ZKTeco, a global leader in cutting-edge security and biometric solutions, offering a comprehensive range of products tailored to address these challenges.

Key Takeaways:

  • The significance of advanced security in the corporate sector.
  • The role of biometric solutions in enhancing security.
  • Streamlining operations with ZKTeco’s innovative solutions.
  • The importance of access control in safeguarding business premises.

The Importance of Advanced Security in the Corporate World

The corporate sector is no stranger to security threats. From data breaches to unauthorised access, businesses are constantly at risk. Safeguarding sensitive business data and assets has never been more crucial. With the rise in cyber-attacks and physical threats, there’s a growing need for advanced security solutions.

Biometric Solutions: The Future of Security

Biometric solutions, such as facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, and palm recognition technologies, have emerged as game-changers in the security landscape. ZKTeco, with its innovative biometric recognition technologies, assures unmatched security and authentication across diverse sectors. Whether it’s protecting sensitive data or ensuring restricted access to critical areas, biometric solutions offer a level of security that traditional methods can’t match.

In New Zealand, while biometrics is gaining traction, tags/cards are still the preferred method for many businesses. Recognising this, ZKTeco offers solutions that seamlessly integrate both technologies, ensuring businesses get the best of both worlds.

Streamlining Operations with ZKTeco

In a competitive business environment, efficient operations are the key to success. Time is money, and businesses can’t afford to waste either. This is where ZKTeco’s products, especially in the realms of Time & Attendance and Turnstiles, play a pivotal role.

Optimising Workforce Management with Time & Attendance Systems

ZKTeco’s Time & Attendance systems are not just about tracking hours; they’re about optimising workforce management. By integrating these systems, businesses can:

  • Ensure accurate timekeeping.
  • Reduce payroll errors.
  • Streamline employee scheduling.
  • Enhance overall productivity.

Securing Premises with Advanced Turnstiles

Turnstiles act as the first line of defense in many corporate settings, controlling access and ensuring only authorised personnel can enter. ZKTeco’s advanced turnstiles, equipped with biometric recognition and card systems, offer a robust solution for businesses to manage and monitor access effectively.

Access Control: The Key to Secure Business Premises

Traditional access methods, such as keys or simple card systems, are becoming increasingly vulnerable. Lost keys or cards can lead to unauthorised access, putting business assets and data at risk. ZKTeco’s advanced Access Control solutions offer a way out.

Benefits of Biometric Access Control

    Enhanced Security

    Biometric data is unique to each individual, making it nearly impossible to duplicate or forge.

    Reduced Costs

    Eliminate expenses related to lost cards or rekeying locks.

    Increased Convenience

    Fast and hassle-free access without the need for physical keys or cards.

    Detailed Audit Trails

    Monitor and record every access attempt, providing valuable insights and data for security audits.

    Case Studies: Real-world Applications

    ZKTeco_Al Khayyat Investments

    ZKTeco’s Tailored Solution for Al Khayyat Investments

    Al Khayyat Investments, a leading investment firm in Dubai, collaborated with ZKTeco to implement an advanced time & attendance and access control solution across its multiple business locations. Founded in 1982, Al Khayyat is recognised for significant projects like Dubai Mall and Shake Shack’s franchise management in UAE. The company emphasizes sustainability and has integrated numerous green initiatives.

    Project Requirements
    • Efficient management system for a vast employee base spread over various sectors.
    • Diverse identity verification methods suitable for different locations.
    • Centralised management for all locations.
    • Compatibility with their existing operating system
    Solution Overview

    Solution Overview:

    Main OfficeG3Hybrid biometric terminal supporting multiple verification methods.
    Retail ShopsiFace950High-precision facial recognition and multiple communication methods.
    Construction SitesS922Portable device with fingerprint recognition and RFID Key Fob technology.
    Main Office (Access Control)BioPro SA30Fingerprint recognition with real-time attendance data synchronization.

    All devices are integrated with ZKTeco’s BioTime platform for centralised management. Additionally, ZKTeco facilitated the system’s integration with Al Khayyat’s existing Oracle Solaris data system.

    Read the full case study on ZKTeco’s official website.


    ZKTeco’s Access Control Project for Syngenta Vietnam

    Syngenta, a leading global agricultural firm with over 250 years of history, teamed up with ZKTeco for their office’s advanced access control system in Vietnam.

    Project Outline
    • Located in: 16F – Pearl Plaza, 561A Dien Bien Phu, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, HCMC
    • Key Requirement: Intelligent multi-modal recognition technology for office access.
    • Technologies Used: Facial, palm vein, fingerprint, card, and password authentication.
    Solution Overview

    ZKTeco introduced the facial recognition access control at Syngenta’s main entrance. The integrated system involves:

    Type of ModelName of ModelQuantity
    High-Speed Biometric Access Control Terminal with Facial RecognitionSpeedFace-V5L (P)8
    Access Control Electromagnetic LockLM-28058

    This state-of-the-art system ensures accurate data recording, security, and efficient management for Syngenta.

    Read the full case study here.

    ZKTeco Central Construction Joint Stock Company

    Summary: Access Control Project at Central Construction Joint Stock Company – HCMC

    Background: Central Construction Joint Stock Company, established in 2017, is a leading construction firm in HCMC. They have over 1,000 engineers and architects, and 10,000+ workers involved in 50+ projects. Their total contract value stands at 15,000 billion Vietnamese dong.

    Project Outline
    • State-of-the-art access control system.
    • Enhanced monitoring capabilities.
    • Optimal security assurance.
    • Increased convenience for employees.
    Solution Overview

    ZKTeco provided a lane-separated gate system equipped with facial recognition access control devices for efficient and quick access management. The system components include:

    System ComponentModel NameQuantity
    Tripod TurnstileTS2000 Pro3
    Access ControlFaceDepot-7BL (WP)3
    Exit ButtonEX-8023


    The newly installed system ensures quick facial authentication (under 1 second) through the FaceDepot-7BL device. It enhances user experience, increases management efficiency, and assures accurate access control.

    Read the full case study here.

    Expertise & Innovation: Why Choose ZKTeco

    With years of experience and expertise in the industry, ZKTeco stands out as a trusted name in security solutions. The company’s commitment to research, innovation, and customer satisfaction is evident in its wide range of products, each designed to address specific challenges faced by businesses.

    Contact & Support

    For more information, personalised solutions, or consultations, click here. Alternatively, you can reach out through our “Enquire Now” form for immediate engagement.